Saturday, December 18, 2010

Portrait Project part 3

Portrait Project part 2

Portrait Project

For one of my classes, I decided I was going to do a project of assigning different people with different colors that I associated with them. It has proved to be interesting so far and I plan on continuing - I just might not have studio access. Here are a few of the portraits I took.

Also, Cory is an awesome photo assistant.


My pretty much gorgeous coworker Alyx agreed to be a guinea pig and let me photograph her, with Monica's help on make-up.

P.S. She has a missionary (sort of) who just got called to a Spain mission! :D


She's cute.

Friday, December 17, 2010



Monica is a genius.

Heather and Whitney

Pink Series race

For my photo 3 documentary class, we had the chance to go to Park City and take pictures of the Pink Series race - race against breast cancer and for breast cancer awareness. It was awesome, even if I had to wake up super early to be there.

Best friends and kittens

Split Lighting and Motorcycle Helmets

Me and Myself

My model didn't show up to my studio time, but my lovely make-up and hairstylist Monica Sellers did. So I asked her to doll me up and I'd be my own model. I set up the lighting, posed myself for the most part, and Monica shot these.

Steph, Alex, and a little bit of water

One of my studio assignments: shoot glass. Steph and Alex came along for the ride.

Utah State Fair

I went to this with my little sister for a documentary project for school. The project was crappy, but I had a lot of fun at the fair! I think I'll go next year.

Thursday, December 16, 2010